
Cite a Website in MLA, APA and Chicago Formats

Citation Guides

1. How to cite a website in MLA Format?

Here's the basic structure for creating an MLA citation for a website page:

How to cite a website in MLA

Citing a website page with one author:

Sheffield, Rob. “Rolling Stone.” Rolling Stone, 24 Nov. 2020,

In-text citation: (Sheffield)

Citing a website page with multiple authors:

Walter, Josh, and Megan Black. “Op-Ed: Why Beyoncé Deserved the Grammy: How Racism Dictates Success in the Music Industry” The Tufts Daily, 2 July 2020,

In-text citation: (Walter and Black)

Citing a website page with no authors:

“Taylor Swift.” Wikipedia, 29 Nov. 2020,

In-text citation: ("Taylor Swift")


2. How to cite a website in APA Format?

An APA citation for a website usually includes the name of the author, the publication date, the title of the page or article, the website name, and the URL. If the website author is unknown, then you can begin your citation just with the name of the website page. How to cite a website in APA

Citing a website page with one author:

The Learning Network. (2020, August 26). 80 Tips for Remote Learning From Seasoned Educators. The New York Times.

In-text citation: (The Learning Network, 2020)

Citing a website page with multiple authors:

Blake, J., & Little, S. (2019, August 30). Where Can You Study Abroad for Free? Top Universities.

In-text citation: (Blake & Little, 2019)

Citing a website page with no authors:

Will Smith. (2020, November 27). Wikipedia.

In-text citation: (Will Smith, 2020)


3. How to cite a website in Chicago Style?

Here's the basic structure for creating a Chicago bibliography entry for a website:

How to cite a website in Chicago

Citing a website page with one author:

Goerz, Gillian. “What Now? Advice for the Class of 2020.” The New York Times, June 10, 2020.

Full Chicago footnote: Gillian Goerz, “What Now? Advice for the Class of 2020,” The New York Times, June 10, 2020,

Citing a website page with multiple authors:

Sharma, Shalendra, and Richard Cooper. “A Political Economy of the United States, China, and India: Prosperity With Inequality.” Foreign Affairs, February 12, 2019.

Full Chicago footnote: Shalendra Sharma and Richard Cooper, “A Political Economy of the United States, China, and India: Prosperity With Inequality,” Foreign Affairs, February 12, 2019,

Citing a website page with no authors:

Wikipedia. “Jennifer Lopez,” November 27, 2020.

Full Chicago footnote: “Jennifer Lopez,” Wikipedia, November 27, 2020,